Pulse Vet Imaging LLC is a company dedicated to providing the most technologically advanced ultrasound imaging needs for you, your clients and their favorite family members. Pulse Vet Imaging is managed by a board-certified veterinary radiologist with over 25 years of imaging experience in small animal practice and by a certified human and veterinary sonographer with over 12 years of combined imaging experience in both fields.
To provide an easy (and innovative) solution for your patients' ultrasound needs, we have developed a real-time mobile ultrasound platform. This solution leverages field-tested technology that allows our sonography technicians to come into your practice and perform ANY type of ultrasound examination while being directly observed by a board certified-radiologist! The radiologist will then generate the imaging report for you upon completion of each examination.
In addition to this capability and in response to your direct requests, the radiologist can also provide you via teleconference a real time, face-to-face consultation, OR upon completion of the examination! The choice is up to you and your practice's individual needs.
Our Mission Statement Is Simple. We provide outstanding ultrasound imaging consultation service for companion animals with an immediate report turnaround, and on-site (specialist) consultation service so that you can better serve your clients and their pets with ease and unsurpassed quality.